Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Genopole initiatives

Participants : Olivier Collin, Delphine Naquin, Aurélien Roult.

We benefit from the strong implication of the GenOuest Ressource center in the regional Genopole to have long-term research and development relationships with most of laboratories in Brittany involved in molecular biology.

As a technological platform belonging to Biogenouest, the Life Science network of the West of France, the bioinformatics platform is funded by the Brittany Region. This funding allowed the creation of two short term contract positions, shared with other technological platforms:

  • A sequencing facility: creation of a bioinformatics environment for the management and analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data,

  • a proteomic facility: system and network administration, managing a small cluster and providing expertise for an upgrade of the computational and network infrastructure.

This alliance with other facilities proved to be a very good way to reinforce bonds and cooperation, giving birth to new research subjects both within the Symbiose team and biological team.

Partnership with INRA

Participants : Fabrice Legeai, François Moreews, Pierre Blavy, Raluca Uricaru, Thomas Derrien, Valentin Wucher.

We have a strong and long term collaboration with biologists of INRA in Rennes : Bio3P, APBV and SENAH units. This partnership concerns both service and research activities and is acted by the hosting of two ingineers (F. Legeai, F. Moreews) and by the co-supervision of three post-doctorants and one PhD student. In particular, the collaboration with the APBV team, including the co-supervision of a post-doc, are built upon an INRA project PEAPOL including an industrial partner, Biogemma.